# DES using SimPy ## Basic model structure (using object-oriented programming) Two main ways to programme in python: * **Functional** - write functions (designed to do one thing) * **Object oriented** - create objects which have attributes and methods. These objects are created as classes. This is useful when have lots of logic to use, or when want to make copies of a similar thing. A basic structure of a SimPy model: * Class to store **global model parameters** (which you won’t create instances of, but instead will refer to directly when need to access something, hence might be lower case) * Class to represent **entity** (which will have their attributes) * Class to represent **system** (which will have generators, entity journeys, and store simpy environment) * Class to represent **trial** (i.e. batch of simulation runs with methods to run them, and to store, record and display results from the trial) [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/recommended_structure_classes_for_des_models.html) ````{mermaid} flowchart TD; param("Global model parameters"); entity("Entity
Attributes"); system("System
Entity journeys
Stores simpy environment"); trial("Trial
Run model
Record and display result") ```` Where store results: ````{mermaid} flowchart TD; param("Global model parameters"); entity("Entity
Entity queue time"); system("System
Create and populate
results dataframe
with row for each entity"); trial("Trial
Run model
Record and display result") ```` :::{dropdown} View full code example Code source: [HSMA](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/an_example_simpy_model.html) This is a basic example (e.g. doesn't have sim-tools distributions with reproducibility) ``` import simpy import random import pandas as pd # Global parameter values # Don't make instance of this class, just access it directly class g: patient_inter = 5 mean_n_consult_time = 6 number_of_nurses = 1 sim_duration = 120 number_of_runs = 5 # Entity (Patient) with two attributes: ID and time queueing class Patient: def __init__(self, p_id): self.id = p_id self.q_time_nurse = 0 class Model: # Constructor to set up model for run def __init__(self, run_number): self.env = simpy.Environment() self.patient_counter = 0 self.nurse = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity=g.number_of_nurses) self.run_number = run_number # Blank dataframe for results self.results_df = pd.DataFrame() self.results_df["Patient ID"] = [1] self.results_df["Q Time Nurse"] = [0.0] self.results_df["Time with Nurse"] = [0.0] self.results_df.set_index("Patient ID", inplace=True) # Blank attribute to store mean queue time of run self.mean_q_time_nurse = 0 # Generator function for patient arriving def generator_patient_arrivals(self): # Infinite loop does this indefinitely during simulation run while True: self.patient_counter += 1 # Create a new patient p = Patient(self.patient_counter) # Send through process self.env.process(self.attend_clinic(p)) # Sample time to next patient (inter-arrival time) sampled_inter = random.expovariate(1.0 / g.patient_inter) # Freeze this instance of this function until time has elapsed yield self.env.timeout(sampled_inter) # Generator function for patient going through clinic def attend_clinic(self, patient): # Wait start time start_q_nurse = self.env.now # Request a nurse resource with self.nurse.request() as req: # Queue until resource available yield req # Wait end time end_q_nurse = self.env.now patient.q_time_nurse = end_q_nurse - start_q_nurse # Sample time with nurse sampled_nurse_act_time = random.expovariate(1.0 / g.mean_n_consult_time) # Store queue time and time with nurse in results self.results_df.at[patient.id, "Q Time Nurse"] = ( patient.q_time_nurse) self.results_df.at[patient.id, "Time with Nurse"] = ( sampled_nurse_act_time) # Freeze this instance of this function (i.e. for this entity) for the time spent with nurse yield self.env.timeout(sampled_nurse_act_time) # Sink def calculate_run_results(self): # Find mean queue time self.mean_q_time_nurse = self.results_df["Q Time Nurse"].mean() def run(self): # Start up DES entity generators that create new patients self.env.process(self.generator_patient_arrivals()) # Run the model self.env.run(until=g.sim_duration) # Calculate results self.calculate_run_results() # Print results print (f"Run Number {self.run_number}") print (self.results_df) class Trial: # Set up dataframe to store results from each run def __init__(self): self.df_trial_results = pd.DataFrame() self.df_trial_results["Run Number"] = [0] self.df_trial_results["Mean Q Time Nurse"] = [0.0] self.df_trial_results.set_index("Run Number", inplace=True) # Print trial results def print_trial_results(self): print ("Trial Results") print (self.df_trial_results) def run_trial(self): for run in range(g.number_of_runs): # Conduct run of model my_model = Model(run) my_model.run() # Store results from run self.df_trial_results.loc[run] = [my_model.mean_q_time_nurse] # Print trial results self.print_trial_results() # To run the above, create instance of trial class and run it my_trial = Trial() my_trial.run_trial() ``` ::: When we use **env.timeout**, it is specification to each entity (i.e. time passes for just that entity), and so if you kill a process, only that entity is affected. However, it is possible to have some specific types of process that interrupt each other. [[source]](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76635524/timeout-function-in-simpy-how-does-it-work) To add another activity, just write it after the first one in the pathway generator function (although outside the with statement, else will drag resource from previous activity with it, unless you want that) - [see example.](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/an_example_simpy_model_multiple_steps.html) You can model **branching paths** using conditional logic - [see example.](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/an_example_simpy_model_branching.html) ## Alternatives layouts Mostly below explains modifications based on the HSMA model layout. However, there are lots of different ways you can choose to lay out a SimPy model. Some more examples are provided below... :::{dropdown} Basic example from Tom on MSc [Example source.](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab1/simulation_lab1_SOLUTIONS.ipynb) You can see it's pretty similar. Ignoring the slight differences in what is being modelled (and that is not collecting results), the main differences in how code is structured are: * No class for global parameters - defined within script * Function for patient attending clinic (service()) is within Patient rather than Model * Environment, Resource, run and process outside of the Model ``` class Patient: ''' Encapsulates the process a patient caller undergoes when they dial 111 and speaks to an operator who triages their call. ''' def __init__(self, identifier, env, operators): ''' Constructor method Params: ----- identifier: int a numeric identifier for the patient. env: simpy.Environment the simulation environment operators: simpy.Resource the call operators ''' self.identifier = identifier self.env = env self.operators = operators def service(self): ''' simualtes the service process for a call operator 1. request and wait for a call operator 2. phone triage (triangular) 3. exit system ''' # record the time that call entered the queue start_wait = env.now # request an operator with self.operators.request() as req: yield req # record the waiting time for call to be answered self.waiting_time = self.env.now - start_wait print(f'operator answered call {self.identifier} at ' \ + f'{self.env.now:.3f}') # sample call duration. call_duration = np.random.triangular(left=0.01, mode=0.12, right=0.16) yield self.env.timeout(call_duration) print(f'call {self.identifier} ended {self.env.now:.3f}; ' \ + f'waiting time was {self.waiting_time:.3f}') class UrgentCareCallCentre: ''' 111 call centre model ''' def __init__(self, env, operators): ''' Constructor method Params: -------- env: simpy.Environment operators: simpy.Resource A pool of call operators triage incoming patient calls. ''' self.env = env self.operators = operators def arrivals_generator(self): ''' IAT is exponentially distributed with mean Parameters: ------ env: simpy.Environment operators: simpy.Resource the call operators. ''' # use itertools as it provides an infinite loop with a counter variable for caller_count in itertools.count(start=1): # 100 calls per hour (units = hours). Time between calls is 1/100 inter_arrival_time = np.random.exponential(1/100) yield env.timeout(inter_arrival_time) print(f'call arrives at: {env.now:.3f}') new_caller = Patient(caller_count, self.env, self.operators) env.process(new_caller.service()) # model parameters RUN_LENGTH = 0.25 N_OPERATORS = 13 # create simpy environment and operator resources env = simpy.Environment() operators = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=N_OPERATORS) # create a model model = UrgentCareCallCentre(env, operators) env.process(model.arrivals_generator()) env.run(until=RUN_LENGTH) print(f'end of run. simulation clock time = {env.now}') ``` ::: ## Producing entity arrivals (using generator functions) :::{dropdown} What are generator functions? In a normal function we **return** values, which returns a value then terminates the function. In a **generator function** we **yield** values, which returns a value then pauses execution by saving states. * Local variables and their states are **remembered** between successive calls of the generator function. * A generator function is creating an **iterator** and returning an iterator object * We can use **multiple yield** statements in the generator function Example: ``` # Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/generators-in-python/ # Generator function def simple_generator(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 # Generator object x = simple_generator() # Iterating over the generator object using next print(next(x)) print(next(x)) print(next(x)) ``` [[source]](https://www.scaler.com/topics/python/python-generators/) **Why use them?** * **Easier to implement then iterators** * **Memory efficient** - a normal function can return a sequence of items but it has to create a sequence in memory before it can give result - whilst a generator function produces one output at a time * **Infinite sequence** - can’t store infinite sequences in a given memory, but as generators only produce one item at a time, they can present an infinite stream of data [[source]](https://www.scaler.com/topics/python/python-generators/) You can make a python **generator expression **(instead of a function) which is a short-hand form of a generator function. You implement them similar to lambda functions but use round brackets. The difference here is: * List comprehension returns list of items * Generator expression returns an iterable object Example: ``` # List comprehension list_ = [i for i in range(x) if i % 2 == 0] # Generator expression list_ = (i for i in range(x) if i % 2 == 0) ``` [[source]](https://www.scaler.com/topics/python/python-generators/) ::: The generator functions are used **for entities arriving into a process** * Set up simpy environment, customer counter, resource, run number, dataframe to store results * Create **generator function to represent customer arrivals**, which creates new customer, uses another generator (for calls), then moves time forward by inter-arrival time (which know from sampling from distribution) * Have **generator function to represent customer calling helpline** - requests resource, calculates time they had queued, samples time then spent with resource, then move forward by that amount of time (i.e. free that function in place for the activity time sample above) [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/recommended_structure_classes_for_des_models.html) ## Resources ### Requesting multiple resources simultaneously For example, if you need to request a nurse and a room, before can proceed with appointment. To set this up, create the resources, with attributes and columns in the results dataframe to record queue time and appointment time. You'll have **conditional** logic to check if have one resource (and need to wait for other), or have both resources available at once. We request the resources without indentation, and so **manually specifying when to stop using the resource** which makes it easier when you are writing code that requests multiple resources at once. ``` # There are two ways to request a resource in SimPy... # Method 1 with self.receptionist.request() as req: yield req # Rest of code here, to run whilst holding resource # Method 2 nurse_request = self.receptionist.request() yield nurse_request # Rest of code here, to run whilst holding resource self.nurse.release(nurse_request) ``` [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/requesting_multiple_resources.html) ### Priority queue Create priority based queueing with **PriorityResource**. It’s like the standard SimPy Resource class, but has functionality that allows it to select which entity to pull out of queue based on a priority value. To use: 1. Set up resource using **PriorityResource** rather than Resource 2. Have **attribute** in each entity that gives their priority (**lower value = higher priority**) When request PriorityResource, tell it what attribute it should use to determine priority in queue 3. If there are a few people waiting, it will just the person with the highest priority. If people have the same priority, it will choose the oldest of those. Remember that our results only include people who get seen by the nurse - and so when the model stops, there could still be loads of people waiting in a queue - you'll want to account for that. [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/priority_based_queueing.html) ### Resource unavailability If the **level of resource varies** (e.g. its not 5 doctors constantly available 24/7), then you can model this in SimPy by **"obstructing" a resource** for a certain amount of time. Example: Nurse takes 15 minute break every 2 hours 1. Set **frequency and duration of unavailability** as parameter values in parameter class 2. Set up nurse as **PriorityResource** 3. Create **entity generator to demand the nurse resource with a higher priority than any patient every 2 hours** (i.e. use a **negative** value), which will freeze the nurse with them for 15 minutes (but this means the nurse will complete the current patient and won’t walk out midway through) 4. Set up the new generator running in the run method of the Model class [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/modelling_resource_unavailability.html) ## Sampling from distributions [Sim-tools](https://github.com/TomMonks/sim-tools) contains a bunch of functions you can use. This are set up to have individual seeds, to esaily enable reproducibility. Example: ``` from sim_tools.distributions import Exponential # Later in code... self.patient_inter_arrival_dist = Exponential(mean = g.patient_inter, random_seed = self.run_number*2) ``` The Exponential Class from the package (you'll see there's actually only a few lines of code): ``` class Exponential(Distribution): """ Convenience class for the exponential distribution. packages up distribution parameters, seed and random generator. """ def __init__(self, mean: float, random_seed: Optional[int] = None): """ Constructor Params: ------ mean: float The mean of the exponential distribution random_seed: int, optional (default=None) A random seed to reproduce samples. If set to none then a unique sample is created. """ super().__init__(random_seed) self.mean = mean @abstractmethod def sample(self, size: Optional[int] = None) -> float | np.ndarray: """ Generate a sample from the exponential distribution Params: ------- size: int, optional (default=None) the number of samples to return. If size=None then a single sample is returned. """ return self.rng.exponential(self.mean, size=size) ``` [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/choosing_distributions.html) ## Variable arrival rates (i.e. time-dependent arrivals) You could have variable arrival rates (e.g. high in afternoon, low at night). To model this you can use sim-tools which has a class that creates a **non-stationary poisson process via thinning**. [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/modelling_variable_arrival_rates.html) :::{dropdown} What is a non-stationary Poisson process with thinning? First, we define a **random process** (or **stochastic process**) as a collection of random variables usually indexed by time. For each time point, the value is a random variable. They can be classified as continuous-time or discrete-time. One example of a random process is the **Poisson process**. This is a continuous-time random process.[[source]](https://dlsun.github.io/probability/random-process.html) It is typically used when we want to account the occurence of something that happens **at a certain rate over some time interval** but is also completely at **random**, with occurences **independent** of each other (e.g. know that area has rate of 2 earthquakes a month, although their timing is otherwise completely random).[[source]](https://www.probabilitycourse.com/chapter11/11_1_2_basic_concepts_of_the_poisson_process.php) A Poisson process - also known as **stationary or time-stationary or time-homogenous** Poisson process - has a fixed and **constant rate** over time. However, if the rate varies over time (e.g. higher rate of arrivals in afternoon than at night), then it is a **non-stationary Poisson process**.[[source]](http://www.columbia.edu/~ks20/4404-Sigman/4404-Notes-NSP.pdf) Hence, a **non-stationary Poisson process** is an arrival process with an arrival rate that varies by time.[[source]](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab4/sim_lab4_nspp_SOLUTIONS.ipynb) A non-stationary Poisson process can be generated either by **thinning** or **rate inversion**. The thinning method involves first generating a stationary Poisson process with a constant rate, but then rejecting potential arrivals at a given time by a given probability. [[source]](https://rossetti.github.io/RossettiArenaBook/ch6-sec-NSPP.html) In other words, thinning is an acceptance-rejection sampling method[[source]](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab4/sim_lab4_nspp_SOLUTIONS.ipynb) from a time dependent distribution where each time period follows its own exponential distribution.[[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/modelling_variable_arrival_rates.html) ::: To set this up we: * Provide dataframe with mean IAT at various time points * Set up arrival distribution in Model class with NSPPThinning() [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/modelling_variable_arrival_rates.html) ## Tracking resource utilisation ### Method 1. Simple average across the run We can track how long each entity spends using a resource, then sum time spent, divide by time elapsed in model, and multiply by number of resources in model. This may slightly overestimate utilisation though as we record time spent with the resource prior to that time elapsing - e.g. “If we have a model run time of 600 time units, and someone reaches the nurse at unit 595 but has an activity time of 30, we will record that and use it in our calculations - even though only 5 minutes of that time actually took place during our model run.” You could adapt code to account for that (e.g. check if time remaining in model is greater than activity time sampled, and record whichever of those is smaller). [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/tracking_resource_utilisation.html) ### Method 2. Interval audit process For this, we create a function that takes: 1. A list of resources to monitor, and 2. A time interval at which to snapshot utilisation This is integrated into the code, and then set up as a process. [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/tracking_resource_utilisation.html) Overview of how [HSMA code](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/tracking_resource_utilisation.html) is modified for auditing: | Class | Changes | | --- | --- | | Global model parameters | • Set audit interval (e.g. 5 min) | | Patient | - | | Model | • Generator function to get metrics at given intervals, storing results as attribute
• Add audit process to run i.e. self.env.process() | | Trial | • Get audit results from model attributes That is a HSMA example. We can also look at a different example from Tom (basic code structure differs - see above). In his example, he does not modify the Model or Patient classes, but instead creates an **Auditor class**. It performs the same job - getting metrics at given intervals. * Audits occur at first_obs and then interval time units apart * Queues and services are lists that will store a tuple identifying what want to audit * Metrics is a dict to store audits * Scheduled_audit - env.timeout() for delay between aduits, record_queue_length() finds length of queues (for each service, append length of their queue to dictionary) [[source]](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab1/simulation_lab1_SOLUTIONS.ipynb) :::{dropdown} Tom's Auditor class ``` class Auditor: def __init__(self, env, run_length, first_obs=None, interval=None): ''' Auditor Constructor Params: ----- env: simpy.Environment first_obs: float, optional (default=None) Time of first scheduled observation. If none then no scheduled audit will take place interval: float, optional (default=None) Time period between scheduled observations. If none then no scheduled audit will take place ''' self.env = env self.first_observation = first_obs self.interval = interval self.run_length = run_length self.queues = [] self.service = [] # dict to hold states self.metrics = {} # scheduled the periodic audits if not first_obs is None: env.process(self.scheduled_observation()) env.process(self.process_end_of_run()) def add_resource_to_audit(self, resource, name, audit_type='qs'): if 'q' in audit_type: self.queues.append((name, resource)) self.metrics[f'queue_length_{name}'] = [] if 's' in audit_type: self.service.append((name, resource)) self.metrics[f'system_{name}'] = [] def scheduled_observation(self): ''' simpy process to control the frequency of auditor observations of the model. The first observation takes place at self.first_obs and subsequent observations are spaced self.interval apart in time. ''' # delay first observation yield self.env.timeout(self.first_observation) self.record_queue_length() self.record_calls_in_progress() while True: yield self.env.timeout(self.interval) self.record_queue_length() self.record_calls_in_progress() def record_queue_length(self): for name, res in self.queues: self.metrics[f'queue_length_{name}'].append(len(res.queue)) def record_calls_in_progress(self): for name, res in self.service: self.metrics[f'system_{name}'].append(res.count + len(res.queue)) def process_end_of_run(self): ''' Create an end of run summary Returns: --------- pd.DataFrame ''' yield self.env.timeout(self.run_length - 1) run_results = {} for name, res in self.queues: queue_length = np.array(self.metrics[f'queue_length_{name}']) run_results[f'mean_queue_{name}'] = queue_length.mean() for name, res in self.service: total_in_system = np.array(self.metrics[f'system_{name}']) run_results[f'mean_system_{name}'] = total_in_system.mean() # #mean number in system and in queue (specific to operations) # queue_length = np.array(self.metrics['queue_length_ops']) # total_in_system = queue_length + np.array(self.metrics['service_ops']) # run_results['mean_queue'] = queue_length.mean() # run_results['mean_system'] = total_in_system.mean() self.summary_frame = pd.Series(run_results).to_frame() self.summary_frame.columns = ['estimate'] ``` ::: ## Testing a large number of scenarios We run scenarios with different levels of resources, etc. To test a large number, [recommend the method here](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/testing_large_numbers_scenarios.html). It involves you having: * Dictionary of scenarios * Use itertools to create all possible permutations of scenarios * Add scenario name to g class, then enumerate through the scenarios and run each one, storing the results as you go [[source]](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/testing_large_numbers_scenarios.html) ## Determining how many replications to run. 'You will now use the confidence interval method to select the number replications to run in order to get a good estimate the models mean performance. The narrower the confidence interval the more precise our estimate of the mean. In general, the more replications you run the narrower the confidence interval. The method requires you to set a predefined width of the confidence interval' - e.g. 5% or 10% either side of mean. Use the following function to implement in Python...[[source]](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab6/sim_lab6_output_analysis_SOLUTIONS.ipynb) :::{dropdown} Confidence interval method to determine replication number [[source]](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab6/sim_lab6_output_analysis_SOLUTIONS.ipynb) 'The method is less useful for values very close to zero. As the utilisation measures are between 0 and 1 it is recommended that you multiple the values by 100.' Function: ``` def confidence_interval_method(replications, alpha=0.05, desired_precision=0.05, min_rep=5, decimal_place=2): ''' The confidence interval method for selecting the number of replications to run in a simulation. Finds the smallest number of replications where the width of the confidence interval is less than the desired_precision. Returns both the number of replications and the full results dataframe. Parameters: ---------- replications: arraylike Array (e.g. np.ndarray or list) of replications of a performance metric alpha: float, optional (default=0.05) procedure constructs a 100(1-alpha) confidence interval for the cumulative mean. desired_precision: float, optional (default=0.05) Desired mean deviation from confidence interval. min_rep: int, optional (default=5) set to a integer > 0 and ignore all of the replications prior to it when selecting the number of replications to run to achieve the desired precision. Useful when the number of replications returned does not provide a stable precision below target. decimal_places: int, optional (default=2) sets the number of decimal places of the returned dataframe containing the results Returns: -------- tuple: int, pd.DataFrame ''' n = len(replications) cumulative_mean = [replications[0]] running_var = [0.0] for i in range(1, n): cumulative_mean.append(cumulative_mean[i-1] + \ (replications[i] - cumulative_mean[i-1] ) / (i+1)) # running biased variance running_var.append(running_var[i-1] + (replications[i] - cumulative_mean[i-1]) \ * (replications[i] - cumulative_mean[i])) # unbiased std dev = running_var / (n - 1) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): running_std = np.sqrt(running_var / np.arange(n)) # half width of interval dof = len(replications) - 1 t_value = t.ppf(1 - (alpha / 2), dof) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): std_error = running_std / np.sqrt(np.arange(1, n+1)) half_width = t_value * std_error # upper and lower confidence interval upper = cumulative_mean + half_width lower = cumulative_mean - half_width # Mean deviation with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): deviation = (half_width / cumulative_mean) * 100 # commbine results into a single dataframe results = pd.DataFrame([replications, cumulative_mean, running_std, lower, upper, deviation]).T results.columns = ['Mean', 'Cumulative Mean', 'Standard Deviation', 'Lower Interval', 'Upper Interval', '% deviation'] results.index = np.arange(1, n+1) results.index.name = 'replications' # get the smallest no. of reps where deviation is less than precision target try: n_reps = results.iloc[min_rep:].loc[results['% deviation'] <= desired_precision*100].iloc[0].name except: # no replications with desired precision message = 'WARNING: the replications do not reach desired precision' warnings.warn(message) n_reps = -1 return n_reps, results.round(2) ``` Using function: ``` # run the method on the operator_wait replications n_reps, conf_ints = \ confidence_interval_method(replications['operator_wait'].to_numpy(), desired_precision=0.05) # print out the min number of replications to achieve precision print(f'\nminimum number of reps for 5% precision: {n_reps}\n') # peek at table of results conf_ints.head() def plot_confidence_interval_method(n_reps, conf_ints, metric_name, figsize=(12,4)): ''' Plot the confidence intervals and cumulative mean Parameters: ---------- n_reps: int minimum number of reps selected conf_ints: pandas.DataFrame results of the `confidence_interval_method` function metric_name: str Name of the performance measure figsize: tuple, optional (default=(12,4)) The size of the plot Returns: ------- matplotlib.pyplot.axis ''' # plot cumulative mean + lower/upper intervals ax = conf_ints[['Cumulative Mean', 'Lower Interval', 'Upper Interval']].plot(figsize=figsize) # add the ax.axvline(x=n_reps, ls='--', color='red') ax.set_ylabel(f'cumulative mean: {metric_name}') return ax # plot the confidence intervals ax = plot_confidence_interval_method(n_reps, conf_ints, metric_name='operator_wait') # quick check if the % deviation remains below 5% for the next 10 reps? lookahead = 15 conf_ints.iloc[n_reps-1:n_reps+lookahead] # run the method on the operator_wait replications n_reps, conf_ints = \ confidence_interval_method(replications['operator_wait'].to_numpy(), desired_precision=0.05, min_rep=36) # print out the min number of replications to achieve precision print(f'\nminimum number of reps for 5% precision: {n_reps}\n') # plot the confidence intervals ax = plot_confidence_interval_method(n_reps, conf_ints, metric_name='operator_wait', figsize=(9,6)) ``` ::: ## Appointment booking (i.e. scheduling) We may want to model appointment booking (i.e. delay between enter system to book appointment, and attending appointment), rather than immediate attendance. [See example from HSMA](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/appointment_style_booking_models.html), which is based on [Tom's example](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/tree/master/labs/simulation/lab5). Overview of core changes to [HSMA code](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/appointment_style_booking_models.html) for appointment booking (with time unit here being **days** rather than minutes): | Class | Modifications | | --- | --- | | Global parameters | New attributes:
• Annual demand rather than IAT
• Shifts dataframe with number of available appointments per day
• Minimum wait (so can't get appointment immediately) | | Patient | New attributes:
• Booker
• Arrival time
• Wait time | | Booker | Attributes:
• Priority
• Model

find_slot(): Find available slot in diary
book_slot(): Book the slot | | Model | New attributes:
•Available slots
• Bookings
• Run create_slots()
• Run create_bookings()
• Arrival distribution
• Monitoring of patient queue time and mean

New functions:
create_slots(): extrapolate shift dataframe to cover run time + longer (so can book ahead)
create_bookings(): create blank dataframe of same dimensions so can use to track number of patients booked

Changed functions:
generator_patient_arrivals(): instead of generate patient then wait until next, instead sample arrivals per day, loop through referrals and make patients, start booker for each patient, then run attend clinic for each patient
attend_clinic(): find_slot(), book_slot(), env.timeout() until appointment, then save time between enter system and appointment | | Trial | Save new metrics (appointment wait) | You can allow patients to have a range of possible clinics that they can book into. You can do this by having a **pooling matrix** which is a simple table of 0s and 1s determining whether a patient can access each clinic. The package sim_utility has some premade Booker classes. To work with pooled booking, you could use the class one of their pooled booker classes e.g. `LowPriorityPooledBooker` from sim_utility (rather than `LowPriorityBooker`). [[source]](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab5/sim_lab5_scheduling_models_SOLUTIONS.ipynb) ## Parallelisation By default, Python code will run everything sequentially on a single core. We can run code in parallel to reduce run length. Use **Joblib** to split SimPy code to run across multiple processor cores. May not be possible when deploying on web. :::{dropdown} How does Joblib work? We can illustrate this with a simple function: ``` import time import math from joblib import Parallel, delayed def my_function(i): # Wait one second time.sleep(1) # Return square root of i**2 return math.sqrt(i**2) ``` If we run this function with a **for loop**, it takes ten seconds: ``` i = num start = time.time() # Run function in for loop for i in range(num): my_function(i) end = time.time() # Print time elapsed print('{:.4f} s'.format(end-start)) 10.0387 s ``` If we run it using **Parallel** and **delayed** functions from joblib, it takes five seconds.[[source]](https://measurespace.medium.com/use-joblib-to-run-your-python-code-in-parallel-ad82abb26954) We use the delayed() function as it prevents the function from running. If we just had `Parallel(n_jobs=2)(my_function(i) for i in range(num))`, by the time it gets passed to Paralell, the `my_function(i)` calls have already returned, and there's nothing left to execute in Parallel. [[source]](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42220458/what-does-the-delayed-function-do-when-used-with-joblib-in-python) ``` start = time.time() # Run function using parallel processing # n_jobs is the number of parallel jobs Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(my_function(i) for i in range(num))) end = time.time() # Print time elapsed print('{:.4f} s'.format(end-start)) 5.6560 s ``` [[source]](https://measurespace.medium.com/use-joblib-to-run-your-python-code-in-parallel-ad82abb26954) ::: An overview of the changes we make to implement this for our SimPy model are below. These are from [this HSMA example](https://hsma-programme.github.io/hsma6_des_book/running_parallel_cpus.html), which is based on an [example from Mike](https://github.com/MichaelAllen1966/2004_simple_simpy_parallel). | Class | Changes | | --- | --- | | Global parameters | - | | Patient | - | | Model | - | | Trial | • Changes for how save results, so save dictionary of results from run into list (rather than setting up a dummy dataframe and using .loc to write results into correct row, as will just end up with empty results list, when running parallel)
• Split run_trial() into two functions, with run_trial() containing `self.df_trial_results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(self.run_single)(run) for run in range(g.number_of_runs))` (-1 means every available core will run code) ## Input modelling Mike write some code (archived but copied below) which fits various distributions to the data, then conductes Chi-Squared and KS-Test and ranks by the Chi-Squared statistics. It produces histograms, p-p plots, and q-q plots of the data against the theoretical distributions :::{dropdown} Auto fit [[source]](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab3/input_modelling/fitting.py) ``` import warnings from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") def auto_fit(data_to_fit, hist=False, pp=False, dist_names=None): y = data_to_fit.dropna().to_numpy() size = len(y) sc = StandardScaler() yy = y.reshape(-1, 1) sc.fit(yy) y_std = sc.transform(yy) y_std = y_std.flatten() del yy if dist_names is None: dist_names = ['beta', 'expon', 'gamma', 'lognorm', 'norm', 'pearson3', 'weibull_min', 'weibull_max'] # Set up empty lists to store results chi_square = [] p_values = [] # Set up 50 bins for chi-square test # Observed data will be approximately evenly distrubuted aross all bins percentile_bins = np.linspace(0,100,50) percentile_cutoffs = np.percentile(y_std, percentile_bins) #"fix": sometimes np.percentile produces cut-off that are not sorted!? #Why? The test data was synthetic LoS in an ED and they are rounded numbers... observed_frequency, bins = (np.histogram(y_std, bins=np.sort(percentile_cutoffs))) cum_observed_frequency = np.cumsum(observed_frequency) # Loop through candidate distributions for distribution in dist_names: # Set up distribution and get fitted distribution parameters dist = getattr(scipy.stats, distribution) param = dist.fit(y_std) # Obtain the KS test P statistic, round it to 5 decimal places p = scipy.stats.kstest(y_std, distribution, args=param)[1] p = np.around(p, 5) p_values.append(p) # Get expected counts in percentile bins # This is based on a 'cumulative distrubution function' (cdf) cdf_fitted = dist.cdf(percentile_cutoffs, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) expected_frequency = [] for bin in range(len(percentile_bins)-1): expected_cdf_area = cdf_fitted[bin+1] - cdf_fitted[bin] expected_frequency.append(expected_cdf_area) # calculate chi-squared expected_frequency = np.array(expected_frequency) * size cum_expected_frequency = np.cumsum(expected_frequency) ss = sum (((cum_expected_frequency - cum_observed_frequency) ** 2) / cum_observed_frequency) chi_square.append(ss) # Collate results and sort by goodness of fit (best at top) results = pd.DataFrame() results['Distribution'] = dist_names results['chi_square'] = chi_square results['p_value'] = p_values results.sort_values(['chi_square'], inplace=True) # Report results print('\nDistributions sorted by goodness of fit:') print('----------------------------------------') print(results) if hist: fitted_histogram(y, results) if pp: pp_qq_plots(y, y_std, dist_names) def fitted_histogram(y, results): size = len(y) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Divide the observed data into 100 bins for plotting (this can be changed) number_of_bins = 100 bin_cutoffs = np.linspace(np.percentile(y,0), np.percentile(y,99),number_of_bins) # Create the plot h = plt.hist(y, bins = bin_cutoffs, color='0.75') # Get the top three distributions from the previous phase number_distributions_to_plot = 5 dist_names = results['Distribution'].iloc[0:number_distributions_to_plot] # Create an empty list to stroe fitted distribution parameters parameters = [] # Loop through the distributions ot get line fit and paraemters for dist_name in dist_names: # Set up distribution and store distribution paraemters dist = getattr(scipy.stats, dist_name) param = dist.fit(y) parameters.append(param) # Get line for each distribution (and scale to match observed data) pdf_fitted = dist.pdf(x, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) scale_pdf = np.trapz (h[0], h[1][:-1]) / np.trapz (pdf_fitted, x) pdf_fitted *= scale_pdf # Add the line to the plot plt.plot(pdf_fitted, label=dist_name) # Set the plot x axis to contain 99% of the data # This can be removed, but sometimes outlier data makes the plot less clear plt.xlim(0,np.percentile(y,99)) # Add legend and display plot plt.legend() plt.show() # Store distribution paraemters in a dataframe (this could also be saved) dist_parameters = pd.DataFrame() dist_parameters['Distribution'] = ( results['Distribution'].iloc[0:number_distributions_to_plot]) dist_parameters['Distribution parameters'] = parameters # Print parameter results print ('\nDistribution parameters:') print ('------------------------') for index, row in dist_parameters.iterrows(): print ('\nDistribution:', row[0]) print ('Parameters:', row[1] ) def pp_qq_plots(y, y_std, dist_names): ## qq and pp plots data = y_std.copy() data.sort() size = len(y) x = np.arange(len(y)) x = x.reshape(-1, 1) y = y.reshape(-1, 1) # Loop through selected distributions (as previously selected) for distribution in dist_names: # Set up distribution dist = getattr(scipy.stats, distribution) param = dist.fit(y_std) # Get random numbers from distribution norm = dist.rvs(*param[0:-2],loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1],size = size) norm.sort() # Create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5)) # qq plot ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # Grid of 2x2, this is suplot 1 ax1.plot(norm,data,"o") min_value = np.floor(min(min(norm),min(data))) max_value = np.ceil(max(max(norm),max(data))) ax1.plot([min_value,max_value],[min_value,max_value],'r--') ax1.set_xlim(min_value,max_value) ax1.set_xlabel('Theoretical quantiles') ax1.set_ylabel('Observed quantiles') title = 'qq plot for ' + distribution +' distribution' ax1.set_title(title) # pp plot ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # Calculate cumulative distributions bins = np.percentile(norm,range(0,101)) data_counts, bins = np.histogram(data,bins) norm_counts, bins = np.histogram(norm,bins) cum_data = np.cumsum(data_counts) cum_norm = np.cumsum(norm_counts) cum_data = cum_data / max(cum_data) cum_norm = cum_norm / max(cum_norm) # plot ax2.plot(cum_norm,cum_data,"o") min_value = np.floor(min(min(cum_norm),min(cum_data))) max_value = np.ceil(max(max(cum_norm),max(cum_data))) ax2.plot([min_value,max_value],[min_value,max_value],'r--') ax2.set_xlim(min_value,max_value) ax2.set_xlabel('Theoretical cumulative distribution') ax2.set_ylabel('Observed cumulative distribution') title = 'pp plot for ' + distribution +' distribution' ax2.set_title(title) # Display plot plt.tight_layout(pad=4) plt.show() ``` We can then run the code as follows: [[source]](https://github.com/health-data-science-OR/stochastic_systems/blob/master/labs/simulation/lab3/sim_lab3_autofit_intro.ipynb) ``` from input_modelling.fitting import auto_fit rng = np.random.default_rng(42) samples = rng.exponential(scale=32, size=10_000) samples = pd.DataFrame(samples) samples.head() auto_fit(samples) # Plot the distributions and use a few extra options dists_to_test = ['expon', 'gamma'] auto_fit(samples, hist=True, pp=True, dist_names=dists_to_test) ``` ::: ## Viewing results from the model I have made limited notes on output analysis, mainly focussing this on how the model is set up. However, you can see more about output analysis from each the HSMA DES book pages (which typically shows the output from all the different variants of model setup, using varying visualisations).