Notes from working through:
Remember: Git commit after each change
Packages: set up#
Start in a fresh R session in the directory where you want to create the folder (e.g. Documents).
(if not already installed, will need to run install.packages(“devtools”)create_package("~/Documents/packagename")
, which will create a directory (if doesn’t already exist) and populate with .gitignore, .Rbuildignore, DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R folder, and packagename.Rproj. RStudio will open a new window with Rproj activated/open. As it’s a fresh R session, then calllibrary(devtools)
to set up with renvinstall.packages(c("devtools", "roxygen2", "testthat", "knitr"))
, or add to .Rprofile to always library() it:
if (interactive()) {
Make it a GitHub repository -
Rename branch
git branch -m master main
Link with GitHub -
. May get error about personal access token if not set. To see if it is set, rungh_token_help()
. To store, usegitcreds::gitcreds_set()
Description, license and readme:
Edit DESCRIPTION (title, author, description)
to create the license filesuse_readme_rmd()
to create basic README file, add some lines to .Rbuildignore, and creates a Git pre-commit hook to help you keep README.Rmd and in sync. To update README runbuild_readme()
to create from README/Rmd. The advantage of having a README.Rmd file is that you can include code chunks, embed plots, etc. You can also use GitHub Actions to re-render README.Rmd every time you push, example here: r-lib/actions. I have not tried that yet though.
Packages: adding functions and testing#
to create or open script functionname.R in R/ directory. Add the function there (only that, not libraries etc.).
Open function R file, click cursor within function, then do Code > Insert Roxygen skelecton.
Edit the Rxoygen description. It will include @export. This tells Roxygen2 to add this function to the NAMESPACE file, so that it will be accessible to users. For your first R package, you’ll probably want to include @export for each of your functions.
to update documentation. It will convert the roxygen comment into man/functionname.Rd and write in NAMESPACEThe @example directive is used when you want to use an external file that contains the examples. If you’re including the example(s) directly in your roxygen documentation then use
. If you don’t want the examples to run (e.g. if providing with a fake file that doesn’t exist, and hence would fail check() as it tests examples work), then use@examplesIf interactive()
Can now preview helpfile by running
Usage is derived from function specification. Can set manually with
and remove entirely with@usage NULL
. This initializes the unit testing machinery for your package. It adds Suggests: testthat to DESCRIPTION, creates the directory tests/testthat/, and adds the script tests/testthat.R.use_test("functionname")
to create matching testfile.library(testthat)
to run the test. Tests will also run whenevercheck()
packagerename_files("strsplit1", "str_split_one")
to rename the R file and will also rename testthat file (which we also edit with new function name), to fit with convention of filename matching function name
Packages: using other libraries#
Based on:
Add libraries that are essential for package to run and that want R to install when install your package to Imports: section of DESCRIPTION FILE. Instead of manual change, can also run use_package(“readxl”) which adds it to Imports section of DESCRIPTION.
Add required imports to each function - ideally with specific functions - or just whole package - example:
#' @import tidyverse
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
to see if issue is resolved
Packages: loading and checking#
to simulate process of building, installing and attaching the package. You can then use functions from that package.check()
to check package is in working order. Read output - it’s easier to deal with these problems earlierinstall()
to install and use package in current environment
Packages - Vignettes:#
- creates directory, modifies DESCRIPTION, drafts vignette Rmd, adds patterns to .gitignoreinstall()
then knit
If you rename vignette, change VignetteIndexEntry to match title (doesn’t need to match filename). When run, will create new html under docs/articles called newfilename.html. Delete old filename. Build site. Push.
Packages - Create GitHub pages website:#
Initial set-up:
First step is to ensure set up with git creds. When I first tried this, I had lots of issues with it not working, and realised this was because I hadn’t set it up with the Personal Access Token (PAT). Do this using
. Check settings usingusethis::gh_token_help()
.Next step is to go to repository Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions and check “read and write permissions”
Creating site:OPTION 1.
, thenpkgdown::build_site()
, then remove docs from .gitignore so you can commit them to GitHub, then push to mainOPTION 2:
To update website, rebuild locally using pkgdown::build_site()
then push to GitHub and push to main branch. GitHub pages will always based on files in docs/ folder for source code of website in specified branch (default: main).