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Admonitions are created using MyST [see documentation]…
This page explains how to make custom admonitions.
`````zweehiujqfgi Note :class: note
This is the class “note”.
`````{admonition} Important
:class: important
This is the class "important".
`````zweehiujqfgi Caution :class: caution
This is the class “caution”.
`````{admonition} Warning
:class: warning
This is the class "warning".
`````zweehiujqfgi Attention :class: attention
This is the class “attention”.
`````{admonition} Error
:class: error
This is the class "error".
`````zweehiujqfgi Danger :class: danger
This is the class “danger”.
`````{admonition} See Also
:class: seealso
This is the class "seealso".
`````zweehiujqfgi Hint :class: hint
This is the class “hint”.
`````{admonition} Tip
:class: tip
This is the class "tip".