14 Books
System | Valid input files | Compatibility with Python & R | Blog posts (tags, dates, filters) ? | Nice examples | Additional details |
Jupyter Book Documentation |
- Markdown .md - Jupyter notebook .ipynb - MyST markdown notebook .md - reStructured Text .rst (not recommended)[source] |
Python tool. Would probably only use with R if you were working with R in .ipynb . Possible to convert .Rmd to ipynb or MyST |
Not found example | SAMueL-1 SAMueL-2 |
Easy integration with BinderHub and Google Colab [source] Uses Sphinx to build book [source] |
Sphinx Documentation |
- reStructured Text .rst (default)- Markdown .md - Jupyter notebook .ipynb (with nbsphinx and MyST-NB) |
Designed for Python, didn’t easily run into R implementation, but examples here in various languages | Yes | pyOpenSci Little book of R for biomedical statistics Chris Holdgraf’s blog |
Thumbnail gallery, Binder, nbviewer [source] |
Quarto Documentation |
- Cross-language Quarto markdown .qmd (which combines markdown and executable code)-Jupyter notebook .ipynb - Markdown .md - R markdown .Rmd [source] |
Explicitly supports dynamic content from Python, R, Julia and Observable [source] Comparison with Rmd |
Well supported natively Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 |
ddanieltan’s blog Quarto’s blog - github, site R for Data Science Python for Data Analysis HSMA DES Book - github, site |
Huge range of supported output formats [source] |
Jekyll | - Markdown .md - HTML |
Written in Ruby. Creates simple static sites. | Exeter RSE Workshop - github, site Ruby’s website |
Mkdocs Documentation |
- Markdown .md Seems possible for others but more designed for markdown? |
Designed for Python | Yes with Material for Mkdocs plugin | Material for MkDocs - github, site Cookiecutter Data Science - github, site |
Material for MkDocs provides additional features |
Bookdown Documentation |
- R Markdown .Rmd |
Designed for R | R Markdown Definitive Guide R Markdown Cookbook |
Blogdown Documentation |
- R Markdown .Rmd |
Designed for R | List of blogs | Built on Hugo [source] | |
Hugodown Documentation |
- R Markdown .Rmd |
Designed for R | List of blogs | Built on Hugo | |
Distill for R Markdown Documentation |
- R Markdown .Rmd |
Designed for R | Yes natively (eg. set up project as blog or website) | Piping Hot Data Tidy models Before I sleep |
Reflections on RMarkdown, Distill, Bookdown and Blogdown.
Paid: https://www.gitbook.com/pricing
Other random noted down options not explored: * Sandpaper, pegboard and varnish - example: https://carpentries-lab.github.io/good-enough-practices/index.html * Sweave/LaTeX RStudio/LaTeX Pandoc SageMath Colab Notebooks Nbconvert Pelican Org mode DocOnce Scribus Madoko Texinfo