8 Zenodo
8.1 Pushing old releases
This method was from https://github.com/zenodo/zenodo/issues/1463#issuecomment-2349177518.
I made the zenodo_archiver.py
file (as below). I set the repository to sync on Zenodo sandbox. I got the access token from the webhook page in the repository settings. I then ran the command python3 zenodo_archiver.py pythonhealthdatascience stars-eom-rcc v1.1.0 {{token}}
. You should see `<Response [202]>, which indicates it has been successful.
(You can do this for actual Zenodo - just remove sandbox.
from url below, and sync and use webhook for actual zenodo)
# Source: https://github.com/zenodo/zenodo/issues/1463#issuecomment-2349177518
__author__ = ('prohde', 'dr-joe-wirth')
import requests, sys
# functions
def _submit(user_name:str, repo_name:str, tag:str, access_token:str) -> None:
"""tricks Zenodo into archiving a pre-existing release
user_name (str): github username
repo_name (str): github repository name
tag (str): the desired tag to archive
access_token (str): the access token from webhook page in repo settings
# constant
HEADERS = {"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}
# build the repo
repo = "/".join((user_name, repo_name))
# get the repo response and the release response for the repo
repo_response = requests.get(f"https://api.github.com/repos/{repo}", headers=HEADERS)
release_response = requests.get(f"https://api.github.com/repos/{repo}/releases", headers=HEADERS)
# get the data for the desired release
desired_release = [x for x in release_response.json() if x['tag_name'] == tag].pop()
# build the payload for the desired release
payload = {"action": "published", "release": desired_release, "repository": repo_response.json()}
# submit the payload to zenodo's api
submit_response = requests.post(
# print the response
def _main() -> None:
"""main runner function
# parse command line arguments
user = sys.argv[1]
repo = sys.argv[2]
tag = sys.argv[3]
token = sys.argv[4]
# submit to zenodo
_submit(user, repo, tag, token)
# entrypoint
if __name__ == "__main__":